All the scary info about the solar eclipse of 13-14 November 2012
Coming to this page late? The greatest effect of the eclipse is usually within 3 days AFTER, and then 30 days after.
First, the basics.
Time and Date:
November 13, 2012; begins 1:37 PM Central (here in NW Florida) and ends 6:45 PM.
Total Solar eclipse
Where seen:
Northern Australia and Western South America — this one starts on the 14th over Australia and ends on the 13th over South America. I’m intrigued by the idea of it beginning in the future and ending in the present…or if it beginning in the present and ending in the past? Depends on your point of view, I suppose.
General predictions among astrologers:
Tense, bad news, oppressive–but that also seems to be the mindset of these astrologers, too. Honestly, the eclipses of the last couple of years have ranged from mild to horrific, so this one has more of a feel of resignation…like it’s just gonna be nasty out there for a while.
The overwhelming opinion of astrologers I’ve communicated with is that this eclipse is not dire, but it will have harsh aspects. Many are pointing out conjunctions with Fixed Stars that are considered unlucky. Maybe I’m just tired of bad news but I don’t remember the last time I saw one conjunct a “lucky” star. Some astrologers are really reaching…wide orbs…to fine the negatives. Yes, it’s tough out there right now, but I don’t see anything extremely rough about this one as far as mean-spirited conjunctions. I’m more concerned that it’s in Scorpio, so that tends to be a time of revelation and intensity. Truth coming out, people trying to hide the truth, having to rebuild or reconstruct. Oh, and lots of arguments over politics at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Don’t let political discussions dominate your family time! Whether you agree with family or not, try to turn the conversation to the positive and to the resiliency of those you love.
Sign and Degree:
21 Scorpio 57
Sabian symbol:
“Hunters shooting wild ducks.” The longer version makes a difference: “Hunters protected by heavy clothing shooting wild ducks.”
Most recent related eclipses:
November 3, 1994
Big hint: what was going on in your life then?
Here are some hints about events of that week to help you out:
Space Shuttle Atlantis 13 launched
Benzine explosion in Egypt killed 400+ people
Susan Smith, the mom who murdered her two kids by letting them drown in her car, was arrested
Ulysses, a space probe, made its first passage behind the sun
There’ll be some reflection in this eclipse. Read Parallel Eclipses and How They Influence your Life (Part I) for clues. It’s not always a bad thing, so don’t immediately fret.
For me, I remember life being very, very busy. We’d just moved into a new house, my younger daughter was in potty training, my first book had just been published at a major publishing house–a very productive and busy time! I also remember that I’d burned the candles at both ends for too long and I was only months away from a major health issue that changed the course of my career, family, everything. There’s a lesson for me there to remember this time because I can feel myself edging back toward those burning candles. What lessons did you miss last time that you need to know now?
Saros Series:
133 — This series consists of 77 eclipses starting in 1219 and ending in 2499.
How it may affect you personally
You will be most affected by this eclipse if you have a planet at 22 Scorpio or within a few degrees of either side. Next most affected with be opposite at 22 Taurus, and feeling it strongly at its square at 22 Leo and 22 Aquarius. For a detailed explanation of how houses where the eclipse occurs and conjunct planets to the eclipse will influence you, take a look at these articles and apply the information to the current eclipse.
How the November 2011 New Moon (Solar) Eclipse Might Affect You (Part 1 of 3)
How the November 2011 New Moon (Solar) Eclipse Might Affect You (Part 2 of 3)
How the November 2011 New Moon (Solar) Eclipse Might Affect You (Part 3 of 3)
Meditation idea
Sabian symbols are good starting points for meditations. When I looked up the symbol for this eclipse, I read the short version–“Hunters shooting wild ducks” –and shrugged. I guess, I told myself, that it depends on whether you see yourself as the hunter or the duck. No problem. Then I read the longer version which added “hunters protected by heavy clothing.” Interesting how my perception shifted. Now I began to see the hunters as having all the power. They’re wearing heavy protective clothing…to protect against what? Ducks? The spark for a meditation seemed to shift more toward powerful people calling the shots, no pun intended, and the rest of us scattering. A sense of unfairness. Of victimization. These are not hunters in a fair fight.
How does this image reflect your world and your personal situation? Can you shift it through meditation and see a way to escape or shift the situation into something less burdensome?

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