Photo Copyright by *BZd*; creative commons license
This trio of articles covers finding out how the partial solar eclipse of November 25, 2011 might affect you astrologically by looking at parallel and related eclipses, house placement, and planets in conjunction or opposition to the eclipse.
- House Placement
Where does this eclipse occur in your natal chart? In other words, which of the 12 “houses” of your astrological chart will be most affected? A house is like an area, sector, or theme of your life.
Here are the 12 houses and what areas of your life they represent:
First house: self, ego
Second house: values, possessions, money, self-worth
Third house: siblings, neighborhood/community environment, communications
Fourth house: home, domestic situation, can mean the mother but in some situations the mother is represented in the Tenth house and the father in the fourth
Fifth house: romance, children, creative expression, play
Sixth house: daily life/routine/tasks, health, skills/jobs (not career)
Seventh house: committed partnerships (marriage or business), legal relationships, open enemies
Eight house: sex, joint finances, regneration, death, transformation, occult
Ninth house: travel, knowledge/education, foreign cultures, religion, law
Tenth house: career, the father (though sometimes the mother), authority, Government
Eleventh house: goals/hopes, friends, groups
Twelfth house: mysticism/spirituality, hospitals, prisons, secrets, hidden things, unknown enemies
To find out which houses are affected, you must know what’s in your chart. If you don’t already know, go to and create your own natal chart (it’s free) using your place of birth, birth time, and birth date. You must know your approximate birth time and place or this exercise will NOT be accurate.
Look on your chart for the house that 2 degrees of Sagittarius occurs in. This is where you’ll most feel the effects. Then look at where 2 degrees Gemini shows up in your chart–opposite of the eclipse. This house will also be strongly affected.
If you don’t know how to find this at, then I recommend you find an astrologer to pay for this information (I don’t do this, sorry, so please don’t ask).
Continuing my example from the previous article in this trio, my own themes are playing out in travel/education expansion and local community and communications, with the eclipse occuring right smack dab in the middle of my Ninth house and the middle of its opposite house, the Third. Combined with looking at parallel eclipses and house placement, I’m most likely to feel that pull between my neighborhood and travel over the next few months. In fact, it’s already shaping up that way….

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