Tag: Recipes

  • Lunchbox Dessert Recipe: Lorna’s Peach UnCobbler

    I’ve introduced fruit back into my diet (another experiment, of course) by turning it into a dessert. This batch recipe makes enough for a daily lunchbox dessert for the week, for two–or a  morning snack and an evening snack for that taste of sweetness that I sometimes crave. Peel 6 large fresh peaches.  Dice. Sprinkle…

  • 5 Big Ass Breakfasts Featuring Seafood for the Leptin Reset Diet Protocol

    I love the Leptin Reset protocol but the “big ass breakfast” is always a bit of a problem because I don’t eat eggs very often.  Eggs, for me, is a food trigger.  They’re not necessarily an allergy but I do have a sensitivity to them when they are cooked in certain ways or cooked alone. …

  • Healthy Homemade Chocolate Candy

    I promised you my favorite healthy homemade chocolate candy recipe, didn’t I?  I’ve been tweaking this one for about 2 years, and I’ve found a version that suits my particular health needs perfectly. Translation:  no gluten so that I’m not sicksicksick, no sugar so my blood glucose doesn’t soar, and extra virgin coconut oil which…

  • How to Eat Spinach? Drink It!

    Okay, I cannot eat spinach!  No matter how it’s cooked or tossed in a salad, I just cannot do it. But…I’ve found that I can drink it. I’ve started throwing a handful or two of fresh spinach into my protein shakes.      Once I turn on the blender, I don’t even taste the spinach in the…

  • Lorna Tedder’s Favorite Recipes: Baked Apple Christened with Cinnamon

    Gah.  Teenagers. So.  Here I am 18 pounds into this terrific detoxifying diet where it’s pretty obvious that the closer you eat to Nature, the healthier you are (duh), and suddenly I’m really wanting steak.  My body loves protein, and fish and fowl aren’t enough right now.  Plus, I’m missing eating out.  So. So we…

  • Lorna Tedder’s Favorite Recipes: Strawberry Sorbet

    Since beginning work with a nutritionist to detox and identify foods that I’m sensitive or allergic to, starting about 3 weeks ago, I’ve lost a fast 15 pounds and started seeing food in a more more spiritual sense than ever before, particularly the whole foods connection with Mother Nature. Upon one of my first grocery…