Category: Astrology

  • Solar Return Neptune in Sixth House

    Solar Return Neptune in Sixth House

    This astrology lesson highlights Lauren’s Solar Return Neptune in the Sixth House of Health, Conjunct the Descendant in the novel Midlife Mirages. Understanding Solar Return Neptune in the Sixth House Solar Return Neptune in the Sixth House signifies a year of profound healing and spiritual growth. Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality, when…

  • Understanding Profection in Astrology

    Understanding Profection in Astrology

    Profection is a traditional astrological technique that identifies the ruling planet for each year of an individual’s life, revealing potential themes and challenges. Definition Profection, also known as “annual profection,” is a traditional astrological technique used to determine the ruling planet for each year of an individual’s life. It is based on the idea that…

  • Understanding Firdaria in Astrology

    Understanding Firdaria in Astrology

    Firdaria, meaning “period,” is a medieval and Persian astrological time-lord system that divides life into planetary periods, each ruled by a specific planet. Definition Firdaria, derived from the Arabic word “firda,” meaning “period,” is a time-lord system used in medieval and Persian astrology to divide the life into planetary periods. Each period is ruled by…

  • Understanding Dexter Aspects and Sinister Aspects in Astrology

    Understanding Dexter Aspects and Sinister Aspects in Astrology

    Dexter and sinister aspects in astrology describe the direction of influence between planets, offering unique insights into their interactions. Definition Dexter and sinister aspects are terms used in some astrological traditions to describe the direction of an aspect between two planets. Dexter aspects are considered to be “right-hand” aspects, while sinister aspects are considered to…

  • Understanding Cazimi in Astrology

    Understanding Cazimi in Astrology

    Cazimi, meaning “in the heart of the Sun,” signifies a powerful astrological position where a planet within 17 minutes of arc of the Sun is believed to be greatly enhanced by solar energy.. Definition Cazimi, a term derived from Arabic, translates to “in the heart of the Sun.” In astrology, Cazimi refers to the precise…

  • Understanding Anareta in Astrology

    Understanding Anareta in Astrology

    The Anareta in astrology refers to the planet or point in a natal chart that is considered most malefic, indicating potential challenges and hardships. Definition The Anareta, derived from the Greek word “anairao,” meaning “to take away,” is a term used in traditional astrology to refer to the planet or point in a natal chart…

  • Understanding Void of Course Moons in Astrology

    Understanding Void of Course Moons in Astrology

    A Void of Course Moon occurs when the Moon makes its final aspect before changing signs, signaling a period of reduced influence and effectiveness. Definition A Void of Course Moon (VOC Moon) occurs when the Moon makes its final aspect to a planet before changing signs. After this final aspect, the Moon is considered to…

  • Understanding Part of Fortune in Astrology

    Understanding Part of Fortune in Astrology

    The Pars Fortunae, or Part of Fortune, is a crucial astrological point indicating luck, success, and well-being, derived from the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. Definition The Pars Fortunae, also known as the Part of Fortune, is a calculated point in the natal chart that represents luck, success, well-being, and material abundance. It is not a…

  • Prenatal Syzygy in Astrology

    Prenatal Syzygy in Astrology

    Prenatal syzygy, a key concept in astrology, offers profound insights into the foundational energies influencing an individual’s birth chart. Definition Prenatal syzygy refers to the conjunction (New Moon) or opposition (Full Moon) of the Sun and Moon that occurs immediately before a person’s birth. This specific lunar phase is considered significant in traditional astrology for…

  • Unusual Astrological Terms

    Unusual Astrological Terms

    This blog post introduces and defines ten rare and unusual astrological terms. These terms, ranging from medieval to modern astrology, provide unique insights and enrich the interpretive tools available to astrologers. Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or a curious beginner, these terms will enhance your astrological vocabulary and deepen your appreciation for the complexities of…