Dexter and sinister aspects in astrology describe the direction of influence between planets, offering unique insights into their interactions.
Dexter and sinister aspects are terms used in some astrological traditions to describe the direction of an aspect between two planets. Dexter aspects are considered to be “right-hand” aspects, while sinister aspects are considered to be “left-hand” aspects. These terms are not universally accepted or applied, and their meaning can vary depending on the astrologer and their specific approach.
Importance in Astrology
1. Direction of Influence: Dexter aspects and sinister aspects are believed to indicate the direction of the influence between two planets. Dexter aspects are often seen as more positive and powerful, while sinister aspects are seen as less powerful and potentially more challenging.
2. Traditional Interpretation: In traditional astrological systems, the right hand is associated with strength, power, and positive action, while the left hand is associated with weakness, passivity, and potentially negative influences. This association is reflected in the interpretation of dexter aspects and sinister aspects.
3. Not Universally Accepted: It’s important to note that not all astrologers use or accept the concepts of dexter aspects and sinister aspects. Some astrologers believe that the direction of an aspect is not a significant factor in its interpretation.
How to Identify the Dexter & Sinister Aspects
1. Visual Representation: Dexter aspects and sinister aspects are typically visualized on a natal chart. Dexter aspects are typically drawn on the right side of the chart, while sinister aspects are drawn on the left side.
2. Astrological Software: Some astrological software programs may include options to display dexter aspects and sinister aspects.
3. Manual Calculation: If you are familiar with astrological calculations, you can determine the direction of an aspect by understanding the specific angular relationships between the planets involved.
Examples of Use
– Conjunction: A conjunction is considered a dexter aspect if the planet that is further ahead in the zodiac is on the right side of the chart, and a sinister aspect if it is on the left side.
– Opposition: An opposition is considered a dexter aspect if the planet that is further ahead in the zodiac is on the right side of the chart, and a sinister aspect if it is on the left side.
– Square: A square is considered a dexter aspect if the planet that is further ahead in the zodiac is on the right side of the chart, and a sinister aspect if it is on the left side.
Dexter aspects and sinister aspects are a fascinating and potentially insightful concept in astrology, offering a unique perspective on the direction of influence between planets. However, it’s important to remember that these terms are not universally accepted and their interpretation can vary depending on the astrologer’s approach. Understanding the concepts of dexter aspects and sinister aspects can provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play in a natal chart, but it’s always important to consider the context and the individual astrologer’s interpretation.
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