Tag: nature

  • Love and Late-Blooming Flowers

    Love and Late-Blooming Flowers

    Discover how unexpected garden blooms reflect the resilient beauty of life and love in “Love and Late Blooming Flowers.” Mother Nature is toying with me, reminding me that even when it seems too late in Life’s seasons for some things, some things have a way of blooming unexpectedly, long past when I thought they would.…

  • Hurricane Isaac Evacuation and Lessons from the Camino

      Hurricane Isaac evacuation time?  Yes?  No?  I’ve lived in the Niceville-Destin Florida area of the Gulf Coast since 1983, so I’m accustomed to making decisions about tropical storm and hurricane evacuations.   By the time any tropical storm is at the door of the Gulf of Mexico, I have to start thinking about whether…

  • How a Pagan Goes to Church

    If a pagan goes to church in the Cathedral of Nature, then there’s no finer carpet than this beautiful green moss under my bare feet on a Sunday morning. As a child, I always loved finding this kind of moss on the ground, thick and lush.  I never dreamed that my side yard would one…

  • How a Pagan Goes to Church

    In today’s visit to the Cathedral of Nature, the morning raindrops were still on the elephant ears and roses in the garden. When I first moved into my house, the former tenants had planted shrubs in the front garden, punctuated by elephant ears.  Each leaf was wider than my chest and brought to mind some…

  • How a Pagan Goes to Church

    This week’s visit to the Cathedral of Nature as always brings wonder and joy to my heart.  Last year, I picked up an unusual lily in the supermarket, brought it home, and let it bloom out.  When the lily had died back a bit, I planted it at my front door, half-convinced that I’d never…

  • How a Pagan Goes to Church

    I worship in the Cathedral of Nature, the Church Not Built by Hands. Years ago, a Christian friend who had left the Lutheran church and later the local Methodist church remarked to me that she’d started “going to church” every Sunday morning. That was a surprise to me, mainly because she was very ill and…

  • The Provisional New 7 Wonders of Nature: A Bucket List of Travel

    The New 7 Wonders of Nature have been tentatively announced after the first count of votes on 11/11/11, though the final 7 may differ once the votes are confirmed.  Being the Nature Girl that I am and finding wonders in everything in nature, I was intrigued by the idea of what 7 places in Nature…

  • Where to Find Real Fairy Dust this Spring

    Photo by talkingplant The last book of the Gifts for the Goddess quartet  (Spring!) has been a long-time coming and will soon be available at our website.  During the time it’s taken to finish what was started years ago, the girls have grown up, my marriage has ended, and the family unit has moved forward…

  • Defining Contentment

    Photo credit by Shannon Bailey.   I think the girls had given up on kite flying at this point, except for me in the background with one waaaaaay up in the air and my mom watching from a lawn chair.   Of course, when the girls tired of the kites, that’s when they tied one to Grendel,…