Tag: dragon’s blood
Beltane Ritual Memories, From 2007
From the upcoming book, Passion to the Third Degree; originally published in 2007. I am exhilarated, mellow, happy, calm, peaceful, powerful, amazed, excited, sleepy, and awake all at once. Ah, I feel wonderful. You know it’s a great ritual when you feel the energy coursing through your body to the extent that your whole body…
Incense: The New Anti-Depressant
Photo by Eladesor; creative commons license Certain types of incense make me feel calmer, others put me in the mood for loving, and some just remind me of the serenity and sacredness of home. Seems there’s some science now to back up my weird impressions. Discover Magazine reports ( http://discovermagazine.com/2008/sep/26-smell-your-way-to-happiness ) that at least…