Tag: abraham-hicks
Understanding Abraham-Hicks’ Grid
Not the Abraham-Hicks’ “grid,” but my rope lights around my beautiful patio at twilight. — copyright by Lorna Tedder Today, I finally understood the new Abraham-Hicks’ term, the grid. I first heard it a couple of months ago when listening to an mp3 from, I believe, late fall 2011 or perhaps very early in 2012. …
Eyes that Change Color: The Law of Attraction, Emotions, and Manifestation
Photo by DenaL (http://www.flickr.com/people/denal/); creative commons license. You’d think after years of writing about “eyes flashing” in my early literary career as a romance novelist, I would have understood. I didn’t. Last week, over lunch with a long-time friend, I saw something that astonished me. I saw a pair of eyes change from dark brown…
The Surprising Shadow Side of Wonderful Things
The photo on the left was my engagment photo, taken around March 1986. It was the beginning of an era…the one where I began a family of two (my spouse and me), then added two children over the next few years. The photo on the right was taken a few weeks ago, March 2011, as…
A Seasonal Review: What Were the Most Satisfying Moments of Autumn 2010?
A to-go lunch at one of my favorite parks, only 5 minutes from work. Copyright by Lorna Tedder. Back on the 24th of August, I emulated my dear friend Maggie Shayne and posted a seasonal review of the summer–not any of the hardships or turbulence but the most satisfying moments of the summer. Now that…
Living in the Past Can Be Bad, Bad, Bad: Law of Attraction Screw-ups
Discover how living in the past can negatively impact your present and learn how to turn things around using the Law of Attraction. The bad news is that I haven’t gotten my Law of Attraction efforts quite right yet, even after three very effective years of practice. The good news is that I keep learning,…