Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree of Truth.
I was in the Orlando-Daytona area recently on business and ran into an old friend who was going through a divorce. I had called before I arrived and asked if she wanted to get together for dinner and “catch-up.” Any time we’re going to be within an hour’s drive of each other, we try to touch base. It’s always like no time at all has passed since our last visit.
Unfortunately, I decided to forgo dessert with my dinner and cut our visit short. We just didn’t seem to have as much in common anymore.
She and her husband had split up a couple of weeks before. She’d seen a lawyer but that was about it. No papers had been filed but the marriage was kaput after many years, and she was already single in mind. In fact, since the split, she already had a string of new lovers to choose from and was in a relationship with a new man who could take her to all sorts of vacation spots.
But if he didn’t work out…. She listed the other men. By profession. Or, more specifically, by professions that earn six figures.
That just doesn’t work for me. Not one of my criteria. I asked her what appealed to her about these particular men besides their income potential. Then she introduced her second criterion: they were all very, very alpha males. She liked a man who was in charge.
It didn’t really seem to matter who. But she didn’t want to be single for long. She expects to be married again before the ink’s dry on her divorce papers, though she’s not sure who the lucky guy will be and it doesn’t really seem to matter.
I’ve read the statistics that say most people remarry within 2 years’ of their divorces. I look at all the people around me and I’m flabbergasted. I certainly seem to be the exception to the rule.
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