Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree Curves.
I’m learning. My mentor has reminded me several times now to look at my decisions from the standpoint of how they fit into my life purpose. Through our few sessions, I’ve come to realize that whenever my decisions haven’t been aligned with my purpose, I’ve had nothing but grief—emotionally, financially, and socially. At the very least, such decisions have been a terrible time sink, robbing me of the time to work on things that did suit my life purpose. But as I said, I’m learning. In fact, I’m reeeeeeeeeally
being tested right now, not with bad opportunities but with great ones!
Because of that, I have another potential business
partner who’s very frustrated with me right now. I hate that she’s taking it personally. It’s not about her. Or about her great ideas. Or about business. It’s about my life purpose and how her ideas fit in—or don’t.
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