Tag: witchcraft

  • Better to Rush Upon this Blade

    Beautiful dagger– Photo by inhisgrace; creative commons license Oh, the power of words!  Especially when said in a ritual circle. As my Circle grows, I find it helpful to discuss situations with other High Priests and High Priestesses because at some point, I’m going to be asked a question I really cannot answer and that…

  • I Curse Your Name: the Blackest of Magicks

    Theatrical photo by arbron; creative commons license I have a house full of company this summer, but it’s oh-so-pleasant and has settled into a nice pattern of incense wafting upward from the countertop, couscous on the stove, wine in my glass, Brian playing the piano or guitar, Amy singing, Robert drumming on the table over…

  • Big Tip for Manifesting: SOON Is a Bad Word

    The key to manifesting?   Intriguing photo by ul_Marga, Creative Commons License. So, all you manifesters, here’s a big tip for you.  Next time you’re focusing on bringing something to you, don’t ask for it come or appear or be attracted to you or manifest “soon.” “Soon” always puts the result into the future.   Just…

  • Once in a (Scorpio) Blue Moon

    Photo by robwallace   May 19-20 (depending on your time zone) marks the second Sun-Moon combination of Taurus and Scorpio in a month, and  I’m always surprised at how many new readers drop in to find a ritual or a good ritual tip for this Full Moon.  This one, being an even more intense Scorpio…

  • Meet Us at the Florida Pagan Gathering

    Photo of Shannon playing with a garden scepter, by Lorna Tedder Just a reminder to all of our friends in Florida– Shannon, Aislinn, and I will be attending the Florida Pagan Gathering at Camp Ocala for Beltaine 2008!  We’ll be there laaaaate Thursday, May 1st (after Shannon’s college classes) and leaving early Sunday, May 4th…

  • Teaching Witchcraft to Christians

       Photo by Ben Northern I am not a person who runs around with eyes glazed over and a phony grin, telling you how “excited” I am about some big project I want to sell you on.  When I’m “excited” about something, you can tell by the gleam in my eyes.  So, if you could…

  • Are You a White Witch?

        Photo by Est Bleu2007 Some Witches like to explain that they practice only “white” magick. This is probably their way of assuring you that they don’t cast “evil spells” or try to manipulate you through their magickal talents. The term white witch was much more prevalent in the early 1990’s, possibly as a…

  • Is There a Witch Next Door?

      Photo by Sashala   Quite possibly. And the truth is, you may never know. Because followers of Nature Religions are still persecuted–yes, even in places that tout freedom of religion–many cannot afford to come out of the “broom closet.” They’re not hiding who they are on the inside or ashamed of their religion. Not…

  • A Witch by Any Other Name

           Photo by joana joana A witch by any other name…would smell as sweet? On this site, you’ll often see us use certain terms interchangeably –Witch, Wiccan, and Pagan, for example–based on staff members’ personal belief systems, but in reality, these terms aren’t always synonymous. Yes, a Wiccan may call herself both a…