I love beautiful tarot and oracle cards, so for each chapter of each novel I write, I draw a card from one of my decks and read it intuitively. For this chapter, I drew the Closure Card – Spellcasting Oracle Deck. See the bottom of the page for information about the novel.
One Last Try (Chapter 19 ), The Lost Teachings of Dead Monks
I drew a card to represent what it is Lilah needs more than anything else right now. It’s not a new love or a new purpose in life or justice or any of the things you might normally think. It’s Closure. Before she can move on and find a new love or fulfill her life purpose, Lilah needs closure on her relationship with Charlie.
This Closure card is from the Spellingcasting Oracle deck, and there’s so much about this card that feels right to me in regard to putting aside a failed relationship. Many people never get closure when a relationship ends, particularly if the other person ghosts them or refuses to own up to their part in the failure. When that happens, either there is no closure or we must find closure on our own, often internally.
Happy endings are often regarded as riding off into a sunset together, but in this card, we see Lilah walking away from that romantic sunset, her back to it, as she makes her way alone through a dark wood. She is coming out of the woods now, making her own path.
Closure is good for her to move forward along her path into the future, but it doesn’t mean that the end of the relationship doesn’t hurt.

Law of Attraction, magical library, ancient artifact, witches and librarians. Both Lilah and Charlie try to use the Law of Attraction to get what they want but manifest their fears instead.
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