Hierophant - Tarot de la Nuit

Novel Tarot: Hierophant Card – Tarot de la Nuit Deck

I love beautiful tarot and oracle cards, so for each chapter of each novel I write, I draw a card from one of my decks and read it intuitively. For this chapter, I drew the Hierophant Card – Tarot de la Nuit Deck. See the bottom of the page for information about the novel.

Between His Hands (Chapter 17 ), The Lost Teachings of Dead Monks

For this chapter, I’ve drawn the Hierophant from the Tarot de la Nuit deck to represent Raven’s influence over this turning point in Lilah’s life. In my castings, Raven often shows up as the Hierophant, Emperor, and King of Swords, even though he is a younger man than these cards might typically imply.  He has an old soul, as we discovered in the Sleeping with Demons novel.

I’m fond of the entire Tarot de la Nuit deck, and this card is one of my favorites, partly because the man on this card strongly resembles how I see Raven’s physical appearance prior to his ascension.

In this chapter, Raven once again is a teacher, though there’s also an element of Raven as Protector, which might reveal him as the Emperor.

Raven has incredibly dangerous knowledge and skills, yet he doesn’t seem dangerous to Lilah.  Instead, she feels safe with him. The knowledge he offers truly is a turning point for her.   She could have received many of these insights from her past relationship with Jakin but he used this knowledge to try to gain power over Death rather than understanding that the knowledge itself is the power.  Raven imparts knowledge of past and future to Lilah and commits himself to helping her heal and to her enlightenment.  He doesn’t demand her soul in return.  Instead of wrestling with the power of the priesthood, he embodies it.

Law of Attraction novel

Law of Attraction, magical library, ancient artifact, witches and librarians. Both Lilah and Charlie try to use the Law of Attraction to get what they want but manifest their fears instead.

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