Lorna’s Healthy Potato Chips Recipe

Healthy potato chips

A big bowl of potato chips–1 potato, no salt, no fat

I used to be a chip-a-holic, but if I stick to a diet protocol that’s right for me, that usually means no store-bought chips.   That’s okay because I’ve found a better recipe.

I rarely eat white potatoes anymore but they fit in fine as a carb within an hour before my daily workout or within an hour after.  Sweet potatoes are better for me personally, and I can also use them in this chip recipe.

To make a bowl of chips like in the above photo, I use one medium potato, just smaller than the side of my fist.   I slice it as thinly as possible.  When I say thin, I mean paper thin.   These are chips, not wedges!

The first way of making these chips is to use a plate sprayed with cooking spray, with the chips in a single thing layer and whatever seasoning you want on top, whether sea salt, spices, or non-salt seasonings.  Microwave on high for 2 or 3 minutes until they juuuuuuuust start to brown.

The second way is to use aTop Chips Maker, which comes with a slicer.   This is simply a microwave plate with holes in it.   The slicer is the easiest way I’ve found to get the thinness I like.   Using the Top Chips Maker, a single layer for 3 minutes on high makes perfect chips. I’m sure there are similar microwave safe plates out there but this is the one I use.

These feel like cheating but they’re exactly on protocol for my particular diet– a healthy workout carb with no fat or salt.  Enjoy!


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