Chances are, you’ve heard about the Listerine Vinegar foot bath formula for softer feet and smoother soles free of dead skin build-up. Even if you haven’t heard about it on Pinterest or Facebook, you’re probably wondering why all the blue Listerine is missing from its shelf in the grocery store.
But does it really work? We set out to find out for ourselves.
My older daughter, Shannon, was home from grad school over the weekend, and we spent some time catching up, de-stressing, and pampering ourselves a little. The “recipe” we used called for 1 part of each Listerine, vinegar, and the hottest water we could stand in a foot tub. If I had done this alone, with a small pan, I would have used 1 cup of each but we shared a big tub and 4 cups of each ingredient.
My research turned up some hilarious comments about blue feet. Apparently, if you use “blue” Listerine, it dyes your skin! We used the original “gold” version and had no problems.
We kept our feet in the soak for 30 minutes while we chatted and watched TV, but we could feel the tingly effects in about 10 minutes. The water felt “soft” and was cool to our feet despite using hot water.
Some Listerine-Vinegar foot soaks claim that the dead skin falls right off. Hmmm, yes and no. I was shocked at how dirty the water was, even with clean feet at the beginning of the soak. More layers of dead skin rubbed off easily with a brush or pumice, and our soles were definitely much softer and tenderer.
For the rest of the evening, we had tingly, cool-feeling feet, almost like we were breathing in fresh air after sucking on a Hall’s Cough Drop…through our feet.
Will we do the Listerine Vinegar foot soak again? Oh, yes.
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