Manifesting injuries

Why Do We Manifest Injuries…Even Temporary Ones?

Explore how emotions and the Law of Attraction can manifest physical injuries and learn to address underlying issues.

Sometimes we bring injury or illness onto ourselves.  Not by doing anything foolish, either.

I hate being sick.  I hate being injured.  Make me feel helpless.  Of course, if you look at it through the unique lens of the Law of Attraction and metaphysical meaning, it all makes sense.  I seek out the feeling that was there at the point of the injury–not the symptoms but the emotions of the illness or injury–and look to correct it.  It’s too bad that I have amnesia about this during the first day or two of an illness or injury.

So I’ve done it to myself again.  Manifested a knee/foot injury.  I have a favorite pair of casual shoes I’ve worn much of the last season, but I recently stepped off a curb and turned the shoe and my foot.  I limped for a day or two and was fine.  Then a few days ago, I wore the shoes again and got that twisty, painful swollen feeling in my knee again after a 5-mile walk.  It didn’t let up.  This time, the pain was in my calf and foot as well, to the point where I couldn’t walk and couldn’t even sleep.

Sure, I can give you the physical reason for the injury–the shoe is damaged, structurally unsound as a result of a missed step the last time I wore it.  But the metaphysical reason?

Let’s look at how this injury makes me feel.

I can’t move around.  I can’t do anything fast enough.  I am falling behind.  I have been knocked off my feet.  I’m stuck in one place.  I’m not getting anywhere.

Now let’s look at how I felt  about a particular project in my personal life that’s had me hamstrung…um, brought to my knees?  What are the emotions associated with that project right now?  Not joy.  Not ease.  No, here’s what I’ve been feeling about it for the last few weeks:

I can’t move around.  I can’t do anything fast enough.  I am falling behind.  I have been knocked off my feet.  I’m stuck in one place.  I’m not getting anywhere.

So what could happen physically that resembles those emotions?  For me, it’s usually a foot and knee injury that I manifest.  I had a similar long-term injury almost 10 years ago, and until I could address the situation in my personal life, I was barely able to walk, and only then with a lot of pain.  The day I broke free of the situation that had held me in place for so long was the day my physical therapist said, “Wow, I don’t know what happened since yesterday but your injury has healed–and you’re all glow-y!”

Now that I’ve addressed the issue and made a plan to attack this project that has had me feeling like I couldn’t move forward, I’ve noticed swelling in my knee going down in just the last hour and I can actually hobble across the room for a change.

This won’t be the last time I manifest injuries.  Next time, someone please remind me to look for the metaphysical connection earlier!

Law of Attraction novel

Law of Attraction-themed thriller! Both Lilah and Charlie try to use the Law of Attraction to get what they want but manifest their fears instead.

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