Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Passion to the Third Degree .
I’m not “in a relationship,” but this new friendship is proving to be very enjoyable. In some ways, I think it’s an anti-relationship because I’ve set the ground rules early on of no-pressure, just enjoy each other’s company, treat each other well, and be honest. I’ve known from the first conversation that there would be something healing and very, very beneficial about these exchanges, and there is…for both of us, I think.
I’m having a great time with a fun and intelligent man who makes me feel like a woman, I’m talking through things that happened years ago that I’d forgotten about and had not even realized how much I’ve healed or moved on from, and I’m certainly learning more about the medical profession than I ever expected to have demystified for me—as well as why physicians have such high divorce rates when “doctor” is the number one keyword search in the Internet dating world.
I can’t say, “No expectations.” I always have expectations, I think, but the difference is, they are now “in the moment” rather than toward anything in the future. He’s in a new situation and I know the landscape quite well. I definitely paced it enough when I was newly divorced. I’m not sure if he knows what he wants yet and it wouldn’t be fair of me to manipulate him into thinking I’m what he wants. He has to decide that for himself, without any help from me other than the fact that I exist. I know far too many women who would be gushing over his profession and already trying on his name and income, and that’s just not me. I won’t take emotional advantage of him.
So while I’ve been laughing a lot more this past week or so and enjoying some rather profound conversations, no, I’m not in a relationship. But I amenjoying being in the moment.
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