Growth of the Intuitive …and Difficult Lessons

Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Love in the Third Degree.

When you’re intuitive and you work with other people who are intuitive, sometimes one senses things in the other person as if they’ve already happened. They haven’t. Yet. At least not on a level they recognize at that time. But those things are there, in the subconscious, wreaking havoc. They manifest in the physical later but more sensitive people feel the tremors of them before they happen and they react physically and consciously to something that is neither physical nor conscious yet in the other.

Attract Him Back

Confused? I was. Very. And I’ve been on both sides, seeing things I didn’t want to see and very alarmed as well as being told I was doing something that had not yet occurred.

But now I have a better understanding of several such events in my life. It’s one thing to be told what you think by a control freak who wants you to think their way, like that you really like a certain type of car that you don’t. It’s quite another when someone tells you how you will think about things in the future when you don’t think that way then and can’t imagine thinking that way. Not then. But time passes and you realize that you did feel that way, way deep down, and honestly didn’t know it.

Sometimes people become unexpectedly gifted at seeing things beneath the surface. That’s easy for the other to deny, ridicule, or ignore, but for the one who’s intuitive, it can’t be brushed aside.

And so the other side of the coin is when you’re the one who’s the intuitive one and you see something terrifying in someone you know. Just something that’s never been expressed so dangerously clearly before and you realize it’s been there all along. Then, with those fresh lenses, you look back at every moment you’ve shared with that person and realize you were walking an icy ledge the whole time. And it’s scary enough that you don’t ever want to be in a dark room alone with this person and a butter knife.

What do you say to that person? “I know what you are”?

They may not even know, or if they do, they may not be able to admit it. I’ve tried that before, where I’ve seen something very disturbing, and it’s been met with anger and words that actually confirmed to me what had already become clear—though the other person in the confrontation refused to even consider my allegation until a therapist pointed it out.

No, sometimes there’s nothing you can do when you see the truth but acknowledge it and do what you must to protect yourself.


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