Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree Below.
One of my missing Lemurian crystal obelisks has returned. Well, sort of. Right now, it seems to be playing hide and seek with me. And my huge amber “teardrop” is still missing and what’s a witch with her jet and not her amber?
I’d blame the missing crystal and amber on a messy house but 1. my house isn’t very messy right now and 2. Someone recently suggested that crystals are “interdimensional” in their nature. The amber may simply be lost, which would be tragic given the beauty of this particular piece.
I’ve heard of crystals appearing on the ground, seemingly out of thin air. People who walk the same path every day, a literal path no one else walks, suddenly find a crystal on their footprint from the day before. This is actually a story I hear fairly often, and usually with the person showing me the crystal that the Earth has gifted to them.
A respected teacher recently told me about a friend of his who misplaced (she’d thought) a quartz crystal she’d been using in her magickal work. She’d thought it was nearby, just under the furniture or in the fabric, but the crystal never materialized. No put intended. A long time afterward—months? a year?—she found it in a box in a closet, a place where she’d never been with the crystal and where she hadn’t been since the loss of the crystal.
It was suggested that crystals sometimes get “overworked” and take a break by hiding in another dimension. Most of us just assume they’re lost forever.
I have a couple of Lemurian crystals that I work closely with. Yeah, my pet rocks.
When I was packing for the Florida Pagan Gathering a month ago, I decided to take a Lemurian obelisk as part of a show-and-tell related to quantum physics and focused energy. I decided not to take the great big one—it had work to do at home!—so I took a smaller one.
While packing my suitcase, the first thing in was the obelisk and the amber teardrop, the amber being a very nice thing to have for manifesting, though I need to think of it as something other than a “teardrop” unless maybe it’s for, I don’t know, teardrops of joy?
I changed my mind about this particular suitcase and emptied everything, including the crystal and amber.
I’d blame the missing crystal and amber on a messy house but 1. my house isn’t very messy right now and 2. Someone recently suggested that crystals are “interdimensional” in their nature. The amber may simply be lost, which would be tragic given the beauty of this particular piece.
I’ve heard of crystals appearing on the ground, seemingly out of thin air. People who walk the same path every day, a literal path no one else walks, suddenly find a crystal on their footprint from the day before. This is actually a story I hear fairly often, and usually with the person showing me the crystal that the Earth has gifted to them.
A respected teacher recently told me about a friend of his who misplaced (she’d thought) a quartz crystal she’d been using in her magickal work. She’d thought it was nearby, just under the furniture or in the fabric, but the crystal never materialized. No put intended. A long time afterward—months? a year?—she found it in a box in a closet, a place where she’d never been with the crystal and where she hadn’t been since the loss of the crystal.
It was suggested that crystals sometimes get “overworked” and take a break by hiding in another dimension. Most of us just assume they’re lost forever.
I have a couple of Lemurian crystals that I work closely with. Yeah, my pet rocks.
When I was packing for the Florida Pagan Gathering a month ago, I decided to take a Lemurian obelisk as part of a show-and-tell related to quantum physics and focused energy. I decided not to take the great big one—it had work to do at home!—so I took a smaller one.
While packing my suitcase, the first thing in was the obelisk and the amber teardrop, the amber being a very nice thing to have for manifesting, though I need to think of it as something other than a “teardrop” unless maybe it’s for, I don’t know, teardrops of joy?
I changed my mind about this particular suitcase and emptied everything, including the crystal and amber.
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