Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree Ebb and Flow.
There have been times in recent years when I’ve focused on breaking logjams. Lots of times. Both mine, and for other people who asked my help. Where I put my focus gets a lot of juice, sort of like a pressure washer blasting away in a concentrated area.
Just because it’s difficult does not mean I’ll give up easily…or at all.
I’ve had people who didn’t agree with my efforts. They knew only the surface of much deeper, hidden issues. They thought things were one particular way based on what they knew.
I’ve been questioned. I’ve been chastised. I was told more than once that I was trying to force something into existence that didn’t exist. That it was something I wanted and not something that ever was. I’ve had my intelligence questioned, my ethics, my spirituality—all for believing something so strongly even when there was no physical evidence to support me. I’ve had my feelings hurt, badly, for following what I felt.
“It’s not there,” I was told. “I don’t see it being real.” But here’s the thing: they were wrong about it not being in existence. Nothing had to be forced because it was
there from the beginning, just not in a form that was recognized at the time. Things were very different from what was obvious.
My efforts were never to create what didn’t exist but to free it.
Sometimes it takes a long while to blast loose a logjam. When it’s free, it’s all the sweeter.
So let’s keep those chins up, shall we? I’m still here, still blasting away. I don’t abandon ship easily. I’m persistent, and steadfast.
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