In Awe of the Divine Design for My Life

Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree of Separation.

I’m in awe. I see how it all fits.

The Long-Awaited Honest-to-God Secret to Being Happy

Not that I have all the pieces yet, and not that the con- tent of  each piece is as of yet discernible, but they are taking form, and I’m in awe.

I see now how it all fits. Just a glimpse, but I see.

The years of training as a priestess. A lifetime of writing. My interest in science, psychology, and the subconscious mind. My decision to  become a certified hypno-therapist. The past year of exploring different  types of alternative healing and energy healing. My back injury in 1995 and what it led me to. My little publishing company. The dream of a  healing center. My affiliation with healers and counselors. The recording  studio. The career in business and marketing. The temp jobs in hospitals.  The abuse I’ve seen and can now recognize and counsel. The experiences in ICU with my dad. My interest in technology. The study of various religions and their universal elements. My interest in shamanic techniques. My fascination with ritual. My love of language. Even my divorce.

Ironically, the area I’m most fretful about right now is the recording studio, which seems the most mundane. I have no experience  there yet, and quality will be important. But it will come. I’ve asked for guidance, and it will come.

This is the temple I’m building, one of healing and ser- vice and  love. It will take much of this year to complete this next step, but the blueprint is set, the foundations are begun.

When I see how the puzzle of this temple fits together, I cannot  help but feel the catch in my throat. There is nothing that is lost or wasted in these pieces. They are each beautiful and productive and full of purpose and meaning. But all together…? All together, they are about finding a unique, different, very effective method of helping people shed the pain  of their pasts and move forward in joy and hope.

Yes, I’m now seeing exactly the things that I was born to do. Nothing has ever felt more right than the way these puzzle pieces fit together.


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