Astrology has certainly had its share of skeptics and non-believers—and for good reason: most people are familiar only with vague one-liner newspaper horoscopes that can apply to almost anyone. If you’ve spend any significant amount of time exploring whether the planets have an effect on your life, you’ve already discovered that there is a vast cosmic sea of details far greater than a one-liner for a sun sign can ever tell. Whether you’re a Pisces or Aries sun sign is such a teensy part of the whole universe.
Truly! When was the last time you saw a newspaper or magazine one-liner horoscope that forecasted your day based on planetary oppositions, what Chiron is sextile to, the impact of Pluto on your chart’s vertex, the fixed star conjunct your Ascendant, or how Uranus moving across your stellium in Gemini may mean renewing your Xanax prescription?
No, astrology is not a science. It’s a language. Or maybe a symphony. It’s all about patterns, just like the English language or maybe even the patterns and rules of dissonance and harmony in music.
Life happens in cycles, whether it’s the cycle of a day or a millennium. We know the sun will rise daily, moving 1 degree each day, and that the moon will complete one full cycle every 28 days. We know that a full cycle for the asteroid Chiron, symbolic of inner healing and wholeness, is compete at around 50 years, the age by which a person usually has acquired the wisdom to counsel new victims and survivors of the same wounds that, for the 50-year-old, festered for years. By age 50, most people are either too bitterly focused on old wounds to become whole or they’ve made the kind of progress that will allow them to help others heal from the same wounds they themselves have cleansed and healed.
We know that Pluto’s cycle will be the span of a human lifetime or a little longer, and as such, it represents a generation. Those becoming adults now are of the Scorpio generation, babies born during the years Pluto passed through the span of space associated with the constellation Scorpio, and the last generation to share this honor came of age during the American Revolutionary War.
Biological phases, generations, and beyond all have their own cycles and patterns of movement, and when we assign different celestial bodies to represent different patterns, we call it astrology.
I’ve personally found natal charts (birth charts) to be the most thorough predictors of personalities, far more so than Myers-Briggs and various other personality type indicators. I’ve used it to decide to meet a romantic prospect I would otherwise have rejected –and been wonderfully validated! I’ve looked at the astrological weather to have an idea of how to deal with certain situations, like whether I’d be more hard-edged and competitively focused or a softer, romantic focus and which would be better for starting a new high-energy take-no-prisoners business project or a sweet new relationship. I’ve tried my hand also at horary astrology, which is used to answer questions as a type of divination tool.
By now, you probably have a better idea of how extensive the field of astrology is. You may even be wondering where to start, try these resources:
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