Day: May 13, 2010

  • The Beam in Your Eye–and Not the Good Kind

    I cannot stand gossip.  No, wait.  It’s more than that.  It’s discussion of other people at a level that I never even considered gossip before but now, it irritates me to the point of wanting to throw people out restaurant windows. I think this is what that Bible verse means about noticing the speck of…

  • Spring Is Just Another Word for Taking a Leap of Faith

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. My focus for April was “ebb and flow and mostly flow.” The focus for May? “Get ready.”   Getting ready is not about just taking a deep breath and waiting. It’s about getting ready. Preparing. Taking care of all those last minute things that…

  • Gone with the Flow

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. My focus for April was “ebb and flow and mostly flow.” So did I?   In going with the “flow,” I followed where the energy took me. Sometimes that was very intent on work and other times just flowing with the emotions and physical…

  • Taking Refuge from Obligations

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. We’re supposed to meet the new General, so we’ve been told what time to be ready to shake his hand in the introductions. The meeting before him ran a little late, so we’re waiting in the hallway and my colleagues from down the hall…

  • Mating Rituals

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. I’ll probably implode tomorrow. Beltane. Moon in Scorpio. Full Moon energies. Everything reeks of mating rituals, so obviously, they’re on my mind. Grrrrr. (And that’s a “Grrrr. Argh.” Not a flirty growl.)   For the past few years, I’ve been swinging insanely between do…

  • Enjoying My Flaws

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. I have strawberries. There’s a medical term for it, but I don’t remember it. All I remember is that my lovers have always referred to them as “strawberries”—either with great fascination or great disdain and precious little in between.   They’re tiny scarlet freckles,…

  • Can You Feel It in the Air?

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. Something today kicked up a notch. I’m not sure what, but I felt a palpable shift in energies. It’s a little buzz of excitement.   It could, of course, be the fact that Beltane is coming up in a couple of days. That might…

  • I’m Hyperventilating

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. Wowser. That was…amazing.   Sometimes my dreams take on a different “texture” so that they’re an odd blend of being in a twilight place where I talk to the Higher Selves of others. It’s a slightly less “controlled” form of communication than when I…

  • How My Non-Date Entertained Me Tonight

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. I’m not upset. I swear, I’m not upset. I am…amused.   Earlier in the week, the guy I’d thought I was going to be out with tonight was trying to decide if a weekend date fit his schedule and when and what we’d do…

  • Celebrating Endings… and New Beginnings

    Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree and Rising. Tonight, I’m celebrating the ending of old things and the beginning of new things. I believe that’s called a transition, and transitions—however hard at times—are worth celebrating, especially when you’re a little more on the side of the beginnings than the endings.   The…