Tag: Georgia

  • “Get Closure—Now, Damn It!”

    The dreaded 3 of Swords Tarot card, usually signifying grief, betrayal, loss, and/or sorrow.  Photo credit by Raelene G; attribution license room with me, most of them backed away, not knowing what to make of my very public breakdown.  We were all there for a 2-hour training session on the new Justification and Approval Guide…

  • The Peanut Bond

    ***Under a crescent moon, cotton grows where peanuts used to.  ***   I found myself thinking about Daddy tonight, and that’s a rarity these days.  Nowadays, my trips to the farm are much more pleasant, and I don’t as often return home crying all the way and depressed for days and my children feeling the…

  • Defining Contentment

    Photo credit by Shannon Bailey.   I think the girls had given up on kite flying at this point, except for me in the background with one waaaaaay up in the air and my mom watching from a lawn chair.   Of course, when the girls tired of the kites, that’s when they tied one to Grendel,…