Tag: Beltane

  • Despite Economic Hard Times, Pagans Dig Deep to Help

    SEE BOTH PHOTOS. At the Florida Pagan Gathering, these beautiful creatures stopped a few feet away from me to preen, so close I could have reached out and touched them. Both pictures, photo copyright by Aislinn Bailey; all rights reserved. For a woman called “Trauma,”  the acquisition of an Automated External Defibrillator has been an…

  • Beltane Ritual Memories, From 2007

    From the upcoming book, Passion to the Third Degree; originally published in 2007. I am exhilarated, mellow, happy, calm, peaceful, powerful, amazed, excited, sleepy, and awake all at once. Ah, I feel wonderful. You know it’s a great ritual when you feel the energy coursing through your body to the extent that your whole body…

  • Timing Is Everything

    Photo by Kuw_Son   Sometimes things happen for a reason.  The timing seems to suck and none of it makes sense…until later.  Then it’s easy to look back at a series of events and how they had to take place in a certain sequence to get the right result.  One moment out of  place and…

  • Back from Beltane 2008: FPG Festival Summary

    ***Photo of Lorna and Aislinn hamming it up in the cabin–the poster behind says, “Helpful or Harmful?   Know the Difference!”   (talking about bugs, not brunettes)*** We’re back from the Florida Pagan Gathering’s Beltane 2008, and it was a blast!  Kudos to the coordinators and staff of this festival–these folks really know how to put together…

  • Magick in Reverse–a Beltane Surprise

    (Photo of Aislinn with Kat and Murv (M.R. Sellars) at the Samhain 2006 Florida Pagan Gathering.  She’s about 6 inches taller now and can’t wait to reconnect with friends in Ocala )   6:08 PM   I’m laughing all the way home. I have four new special-order tires, a complete re-alignment, and a hole in my…