Category: Relationships

  • Learning Something from Men Who Aren’t Dirtbags

    I want to say thank you.  Thank you to the men in my life who aren’t dirtbags. Lest you think I’m being a misandrist, I really don’t have a general hatred for all men, but I do have a profound distaste for some of the more prominent men who’ve populated my life.   I’ve had…

  • Best Partners: First Followers

    This week, I was introduced to the concept of First Followers, for the first time. In essence, a leader may look ridiculous to the general public but when the first person has the courage to step forward to give social proof that the leader has something worth following, that first follower turns a leader’s ideas…

  • The Aftermath of Breaking Patterns

    Just because we’ve broken an old pattern does not mean  that it isn’t still there, even if it’s only broken shards reflecting the past and still capable of cutting us deeply. Now we have to deal with the broken glass. The past year has been a life-changer for me and a time of immense personal…

  • Energy Exchange: The Imperative Need in Any Relationship

    Energy exchange.   Not a common phrase but fitting. What I need in any relationship is simple: reciprocity.  By “relationships,” I mean any relationship–business or personal, romantic or platonic, social or family, employer or employee, inner circle or outer circle.   I’ve also called it “emotional support” when I gave lots of nurturing but got…

  • When Will True Love Come? What “Work on Yourself” Really Means

    People often tell the broken-hearted to “Take a break” from looking for true love and “Work on yourself.” I admit that I’ve offered that advice to others, particularly to women who’ve centered their lives around one man and ignored their own self-actualization, women so dependent that they cannot go to a restaurant alone or can’t…