The Spiritual Eclectic mind-body-spirit website
Personal excavation leads to personal evolution.

Why I’m here
My purpose is to show you something new while I share my experiences and opinions, even at their rawest.
I offer thousands of pages of unusual insights and ideas, all original articles with our unique approach to spirituality, the personal evolution that comes with deep inquiry, and life strategies to help you live your dreams, whether you dream of love, prosperity, happiness, or serenity.
I include popular categories of astrology, health, meditation, tarot, finances, law of attraction, empath, and more. Some posts are templates of quick and easy information and others are deep dives into the emotional honesty of life. Some of the older posts from early in this website’s history are being dusted off, with old images being replaced and corrupted text being cleaned up, but that’s not my priority over writing new, current posts.
Whether you are starting over or pushing ever harder for more personal development, this site can help you move forward on your path by setting goals, attracting the right opportunities, looking at your own patterns and successes, and changing your attitudes and actions to match the life you want.
If you’re not happy with where you are in life, stop worrying and do something about it — you CAN change it and you CAN find what you’re looking for. You really do have the power to change your world.
— Lorna Tedder
What I write
Read my latest posts.

Collections of Posts & Articles
Some of the posts have been incorporated into my non-fiction books, such as Shielding Techniques for Empaths: A Highly Sensitive Person’s Intimate Guide to Protection Against Negative Energy and Overwhelming Emotions.
If you’d like to keep up with my content and new posts, I urge you to sign up for my mailing list at my publisher’s site. You’ll receive the newsletter from LightningSeed Books, but with my name on it. I share exclusive bonus content with my subscribers as well as first news of books and freebies/discounts/deals, and I often write about my latest research for one of my witchy novels. I don’t overdo the frequency and my newsletters usually go out “wheneverly.” That may mean two a month or one every three months, depending on how much I’m producing at any point in time.
What Else Do I Write?
- Thoughtful articles about research and catalysts related to the books I write
- Inspirational and motivational non-fiction
- Fiction, mostly mystery/thrillers with paranormal elements