Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Passion to the Third Degree .

I’m amused. I’ve spent a nice while in the garden, watering, and then checking out some plants on the back patio that Aislinn planted but didn’t water. Er… ex-plants.

The Long-Awaited Honest-to-God Secret to Being Happy

I’m planting lots of flowers around my back patio and even thinking of a grill and some patio furniture. Over the past few weeks, it’s been my retreat for late night phone calls, away from the girls and their own late night phone calls.

I had started taking a couple of candles out and sitting with several candles burning under the stars, the phone in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. I neglected the wine after a few nights, though, and just enjoyed the candles and conversation. Last Thursday night, I took a couple of candles out to the patio and blew them out when I came inside. On Saturday night, I set the wicks to flame again. On Sunday night, the only one I lit was the lusty orange candle in the middle of the chimenea in the middle of the back part of the patio. I guess I forgot to blow it out.

So tonight, while watering near-dead plants, I glanced at the chimenea and was surprised to find that the candle was still burning, 72 hours later, and not burned down or out yet. In spite of the brief rain, sprinklers, wind, and hot sun, it’s still flickering away.

There was no magick attached to it except for the smile it put on my face. I think I’ll let it burn a while longer because I won’t tell you what I was thinking the moment before I noticed it.


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