Morning Strategy Sessions with the Universe

Photo by MaddieDigital   

On my way to work in the mornings, in the dark without a lot of traffic on the road, there seems to be much more time to think. It’s a quieter spot in the day, even though there’s really no obvious difference in driving to work 2 hours later. Yet, the energy of the early morning has more stillness to it as if the Universe has enough time to listen to me and hear me.So I have been setting aside this time, not for diction, audiobooks, radio news, or listening to voice mail, but for a strategy session with the Universe.

I don’t say “I’m going to” or “I want” or “I would like.” I present the Universe with a list of what I like. Present tense.

This morning, for example, I told the Universe that I like it when I’m able to assimilate a briefing easily, that I like that I’m going to have at least one date within the next few days, that I like that I’m going to be able to start on my Spanish class today, that I like that I’m going to start my new on-the-job exercise program, that I like that I’m finished with building a website for my brother, that I like that I’m going to find out information on a particular subject, and so on.

Near the end of the afternoon–after my briefing had been mostly prepared and I’d been approved for Spanish class but before I finished the website, accepted a date, discovered information that had eluded me, and so on–I power-walked my way down a 5-mile nature trail as part of my new exercise program and realized that I can easily take my digital recorder with me and maximize my book-writing time and exercise time while I enjoy the deep shades of oaks and long but secure trails where only an occasional jogger is seen.

And I was glad I’d set my strategy for the day, and that when the day was done and I was ready to crawl into bed, I’d followed my strategy for the day and accomplished (or had accomplished for me) everything I’d set my intentions for before sunrise.

Tomorrow, I’ll do it all over again.



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