Author: Lorna Tedder

  • Making Peace When You’ve Done No Wrong

    She is an elder in my spiritual community, and every now and then, she looks right through me and tells me things I need to hear, whether I want to hear them or not. A few months ago, she sent me a message saying, “Lorna, you need to make peace. Even if you’re not the…

  • What It Is Wednesday: Losing Faith

    “I lose my faith in people…why even take the time?” –“Shut In” by Strand of Oaks Sitting in the doc’s reception area, waiting to be called back, & I just keep shaking my head in disbelief at some people. Most of my friends know I’ve had huge issues with hypocrisy since I was 14 or…

  • Emotions and Finances

    The biggest, unexpected financial setbacks in my life have all been the result of letting my emotions get in the way while I took my eye off the financial ball. I think about that much more these days, now that I’m focused like a fiend on making sure I have enough for my retirement…even though…

  • Gwynnie Bee Month 3: Shipping Problems, Customer Service, and Angry Postal Workers

    Month number three of my Gwynnie Bee subscription turned out to be stellar, even though I had a few odd issues with late shipping and the post office. Due to a slight downward adjustment in size and nothing to wear, I upped my number of garments per month to five, but with freebies and gifts…

  • What It Is Wednesday: The Lie of Leading Someone On

    I’ve seen this more than once & my intuition flamed every time & I ignored it. Guy tells me something a little…odd…out of the blue. It’s a half-truth but bc I believe him to be honest, I don’t on the surface recognize it as such. In fact, it’s presented in a way to make me…

  • Why Can’t You Be Happy for Me?

    “Why can’t you just be happy for me?” It wasn’t a question. It was more of a demand. There was anger in his voice, as well as frustration. It came out in a–almost–throw-away, half-wail, half-retort. “Why can’t you just be happy for me?” The words came out angry, yes, but also deeply wounded. I hadn’t…

  • 2017 Predictions for Writers

    I like to watch trends, and after looking at the past year, here are my 2017 predictions for writers. Dictation Software This will be the year that dictation finally takes off and writers get over the fear of their own voices in favor of productivity.  I’ve been dictating novels, non-fiction, and blogs since 1990 when…

  • Real Friends in Meditation: Rebuilding My Circle

    Real Friends in Meditation: Rebuilding My Circle

    Through a journey from solitude to a deeply connected community, real friends emerge as the cornerstone of genuine support and transformation. I have never at any one point in my life had more close friends I can count on than at this moment. That realization both surprises me and makes me smile. It’s unexpected. It’s…

  • What It Is Wednesday: Cutting People Out

    I am known for cutting people out of my life. That’s because it’s an external response, sometimes a very public one. What isn’t known is the months or even years  of internal response, the patience, the multiple second chances, the trying so hard for so long, the bazillion times my boundaries are breached and I…

  • Manifesting Near Misses

    If you want to know that something is NOT manifesting for you, you will see not the object of your desired manifestation but fragments and shades of it. Almost like this is as close as you can get to it. I’ve noticed this several times before. For example, with a former relationship I had thought…