Copyrighted by Lorna Tedder. Originally published in Third Degree of Contrast.

While I keep an overall “intention” for the year, I’m breaking it down into nice bite-sized pieces every month. What I “call in” are the feelings and “moments”  for the month and I don’t always know how those will manifest, but when it comes to the bite sizes to make the rest happen, they just plain old goals, and those goals often help to move  me  along  on  the  path  I’m  on.  They’re  the “actions” required to go  with the positive  feelings  and results I’m attracting into my life.

Attract Him Back

For January:

-Complete  my  overhaul  of  my  existing  websites  as well as adding the new one I’m launching.

Two meetings with Yoda

-Finalize at least 3 separate  projects to offer on my new site and come up with strategic pricing for them.

Add the personality reports to the new website as an

extra that’s available

-Complete one of the book projects I have in the air, at least to the point of getting it ready for the printer.

Royalties to authors and set up new accounting system

Close some financial issues that have been hanging out there

Repaint the “retro” bathroom of the girls’ and re-do the decorations in there (with girls)

Major trimming on the yard work (some with girls)

At least 2 cookouts this month (inc with girls)

Car maintenance

Visit my mom (with girls)

Regular walks

Complete office clean-up

Promo for Spilled Candy catalogs

Promo flyer for Celebrating the Tower Card

Socialize at least once (!), and not in combination with anything above

Not kill anything in my day job

So…I guess this month’s focus (assessing the magnitude of the goals here) will be on business and money issues. I know this year, and especially the next couple of months, will be heavy on building, building, building, but once I get things set up, maybe then…finally…I’ll  be able to gear down some and coast! Meanwhile,  to balance my all-work-and-no-play goals, I’ll call in a little more socializing and meeting people in pleasant situations. The only way to balance that much work is play very well.


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